Bioidentical hormones are natural hormones that are biologically identical to those produced in the human body. As we age, hormone levels often decline, leading to symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and loss of sex drive. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help restore optimal hormone levels, alleviating unpleasant symptoms and promoting better health.
Hormone levels fluctuate naturally throughout life stages, but drastic drops can signify a deficiency. Common causes include:
As part of the natural aging process, hormone production slows down over time. Estrogen levels drop during perimenopause and menopause in women, while testosterone declines steadily in men after age 30.
Certain medical conditions like pituitary tumors, adrenal insufficiency, and metabolic disorders can impair hormone production.
High stress levels, lack of sleep and exercise, smoking, and poor nutrition habits deplete hormones over time.
Many residents of Clifton and surrounding towns visit local bioidentical hormone doctors for symptoms like:
Hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, weight gain, low libido
Loss of muscle mass, increased body fat, fatigue, erectile dysfunction, depression
Mood changes, sleep troubles, reduced mental clarity, thinning hair, irritability
Bioidentical hormone pellets are very small implants placed under the skin to restore optimal hormone levels. The pellets slowly dissolve over 3-6 months, providing a natural ebb and flow of hormones.
At Balanced Hormone Clinic, initial protocols involve:
We check hormone, vitamin, and nutrient levels to determine precise imbalances. Based on the results, we create customized treatment plans.
The brief insertion procedure is done in our Clifton office. Local anesthesia ensures comfort, and dissolvable stitches mean no return office visits to remove them. Most patients resume normal activity that same day.
We schedule regular lab testing during the first year to ensure hormone levels are optimized for your needs and health goals. Adjustments are made until the perfect balance is achieved.
Restoring bioidentical hormones alleviates deficiency symptoms and provides essential whole-body benefits like:
Relief from hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and mood swings during hormone transitions.
Balanced hormones enhance stamina for daily tasks, exercise, recreation, and hobbies - especially important during Clifton's cold winter months or hot, humid summers. Optimal energy stabilizes mood as well.
Proper hormone levels help build lean muscle mass in men and reduce abdominal body fat in both men and women for a fit, youthful physique at any age.
Estrogen and testosterone support healthy brain function. Patients report improved mental clarity, sharper focus, and ability to multitask.
Low hormone levels directly correlate to low libido and sexual dysfunction. BHRT markedly improves sexual desire and performance in both men and women.
Estrogen and testosterone optimize bone density and joint health, preventing osteoporosis. Patients can hike Clifton's gorgeous nature trails and remain active all year.
Balancing hormones significantly lowers risks for heart disease, stroke, dementia, and certain cancers later in life.
Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Plant-derived bioidentical estrogens and progesterone have a chemical structure identical to the hormones made by the ovaries, but clinical evidence does not confirm superiority over conventional hormone therapy.
With over 15 years serving Clifton area residents, Balanced Hormone Clinic offers:
Our bioidentical hormone doctors stay current on the latest advancements in preventive hormonal health. We develop science-based, highly personalized protocols to meet each patient's needs and health goals.
Our Clifton office provides compassionate care in a comfortable, private setting. Continuity of care with the same provider nurtures trusting doctor-patient relationships over time.
We create customized bioidentical hormone pellets on-site for precise dosing. Pellets last longer than creams or pills, meaning fewer refills.
In addition to HRT, we offer nutritional advice, fitness guidance, stress reduction techniques, and references to other wellness providers in Clifton. Our team helps optimize all aspects of health during treatment.
Hormone balance is essential for sustaining whole-body wellness as we age. We identify and treat minor imbalances early before they cause disease.
Our bodies constantly change with life stages and aging. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy restores optimal levels to alleviate deficiency symptoms and sustain robust health, activity levels, mental sharpness and positive mood for Clifton residents.
The compassionate providers at Balanced Hormone Clinic offer specialized expertise in personalized protocols. We partner with patients long-term through convenient local care for proactive hormonal balance, vitality and wellbeing.
Take charge of your health today and call Balanced Hormone Clinic to schedule a consultation!